Tuesday, September 15

Five Powerful Tribe Tools

As you know our Tribe is all about connecting and sharing. We like to facilitate all the tools to collaborate with musicians worldwide, generate business contacts, valuable exposure and new revenue models.

My Top 5 Powerful Tribe Tools for you

1. MUSIC & BRANDS (new)

Did you upload a song that should be in the new Audi commercial, Sex and The City TV series, Gran Turismo videogame, Motorola ringtone or Hugo's next fashion show? Add BRAND TAGS to your music files!

By adding BRAND TAGS to your song your music will be indexed by our servers and easier to find by marketers and brand managers in need for specific brand related music.

How to tag a song already uploaded?
Login, go to main menu MUSIC, sub menu MY MUSIC GALLERY and click 'edit' next to your song. Scroll down to MUSIC & BRANDS, add your BRAND TAGS and don't forget to save your update.

Are you a performing artist? TheGigMap is the tool for you AND for all the venues and professionals you work with!

With one easy online form to fill out your gig will automatically generate a digital marker on Google Maps, tweet your gig to all your followers and send the information to TheGigMap.com and a mobile app (for all you geeks: yes! iPhone and Android compatible) Friends, fans and venues can share your gig on ALL social networks (facebook, myspace, twitter, etc.) and via email of course ;-)

You have created a great song, but you know it can be better.. Upload your song and ask our GOLDEN EARS Pro Team supervised by Tycho Schipper to give you the necessary feedback or master engineer the music file. It's about you, your song, your sound ONLY WAY BETTER! Check out Golden Ears

For all of you participating in Kalydo's Music in Game Contest: Kalydo's Audio Team will announce the winner soon!

Braking News - This week Tribe of Noise will send out a press release announcing the Twinners Music TV pilot 2009. If you want to participate - your music in a TV pilot - go to Twinners Music TV pilot NOW!

Use the Tribe Invite Center to send invites to other musicians you like to connect with, venues you play, marketers and brand managers you think should listen to your songs. In short, invite all the people you like to work with in the future! Ask them to connect with you on Tribe of Noise. Please use this tool wisely and avoid SPAM.

I hope you like my top 5 list of Powerful Tribe Tools and if you have a great idea for a new Tribe Tool... please let us know!

Chief of Noise

Let's make some Noise!

A Free Service To Communicate Your Upcoming Gigs

In the meantime Tweet Me!

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