Thursday, November 19
Promote Gigs the Cool & Easy Way
Friday, October 9
Alternatief Buma Stemra voor bloggend Nederland
De afgelopen week ontvingen wij telefoontjes, tweets en e-mails van jullie over het voornemen van Buma Stemra om vergoedingen te vragen voor muziek op jullie blogs en websites. Later deze dag (vrijdag 9 oktober 2009) is overigens een deel daarvan – blogs voor niet-bedrijfsmatig gebruik – door Buma Stemra zelf geschrapt van het lijstje.
De muzikanten/componisten op Tribe of Noise zijn niet aangesloten bij Buma Stemra en kiezen ervoor om een deel van hun repertoire onder een Creative Commons licentie met jullie te delen. Als je deze muziek op je blog draait en de artiest daarmee promoot is er dus niets aan de hand.
Onze Tribe members vragen in plaats van een financiƫle vergoeding:
- Naamsvermelding; plaats en draai onze muziek op je blog zoveel als je wil maar vermeld altijd de naam van de Tribe member (en als je wil een link naar zijn/haar Tribe pagina)
Wil je onze muziek gebruiken in bijvoorbeeld je eigen videoclip of presentatie?
- Gelijk delen; Publiceer jouw werk onder dezelfde licentie als onze muziek: Creative Commons 3.0 By Share Alike
Geheel vrijblijvend.. Veel Tribe muzikanten hebben op hun pagina ook een digitale fooienpot. Wil je meer doen voor een specifieke muzikant dan alleen promotie.. gooi er eens wat in, ik weet zeker dat ze dat waarderen.
Tuesday, September 22
Eindhoven – Sep 22, 2009 - Over the past weeks, almost 200 compositions were uploaded by Tribe of Noise members participating in Kalydo's Music in Game Competition 2009. We are thrilled to announce not one but TWO winners:
'In Game' Music: Forest scene by VinceTheWebb! Vince, congratulations!
The jury believes this is a “very original approach on how to create game music: Forest Scene matches the style and setting of Konstrukt Invasion best and the different styles of music are smoothly merged together, led by a futuristic, suitable dose of rhythm.”Menu Music: Main Theme from NightShader. Well done, Pascal!
“A very epic track which one can't listen to without being affected by its imposing gleam” are the praising words of the jury.
The jury was very impressed by the musical quality and creativity in the compositions and would like to congratulate the next three runners up:
Kalydo Classical, RubXProject: “The main theme is very catchy and gamey, would be ideal for a real time strategy game.”
Kaleidascope, TrennaJean: “A very nicely tensioned sound scape. Inventive rhythm section, deep instrumentals.”
Kalydo –Vincula, Kampmaniak: “Could very well be a track for the closing credits. Modest drama, covered by 'computer-ish' layers of percussion and sounds.”
Early next week, Konstrukt Invasion WITH the music of VinceTheWebb and NightShader will be available to many gamers around the world! Check Kalydo's website
Friday, September 18
Virtual DJs play your music on TV
Amsterdam, September 19, 2009
Last week iTunes announced the comeback of the LP in digital format. Old songs get their second life in video games like Guitar Hero. And mobile apps like TheGigMap give you instant access to live gigs around the corner. Innovation in music is all around us; via digital and multimedia channels they tap into new markets.
One of the latest music initiatives is the ‘Twinners Music on TV' pilot.
Music on TV? Isn't MTV claiming this space since the early eighties? You are absolutely right. However, the Twinners initiative is a new interactive TV format powered by SBS, the second largest broadcaster in Europe.
Instead of a remote control your cell phone interacts with a virtual you (so called avatar) on TV. During the live TV shows you can chat, dance, visit cool places and listen to indie music played by virtual DJs.
The music played on TV is created by a worldwide group of independent musicians from the online music community Tribe of Noise. For them it is an additional opportunity to generate exposure: Two hundred million people are watching SBS worldwide. Although the TV pilot just started in Denmark on Channel 4 and 5 this week, more countries are expected to be added in the near future reaching a crowd of millions of people. An audience only signed artists like Madonna and U2 used to reach.
“Together with our Tribe members and business partners we focus on generating exposure and developing new revenue models for musicians“, says Hessel van Oorschot, co-founder of Tribe of Noise. “This pilot is a great opportunity for them and leading media enterprises to develop a future business model we all believe in.”
“According to music industry gurus the golden decades of the traditional music industry are over. So let's focus on the opportunities ahead of us and empower independent musicians with all the innovative tools they need. Virtual DJs playing their music on TV is one of them.”
Independent musicians can visit
Tuesday, September 15
Five Powerful Tribe Tools
My Top 5 Powerful Tribe Tools for you
1. MUSIC & BRANDS (new)
Did you upload a song that should be in the new Audi commercial, Sex and The City TV series, Gran Turismo videogame, Motorola ringtone or Hugo's next fashion show? Add BRAND TAGS to your music files!
How to tag a song already uploaded?
Login, go to main menu MUSIC, sub menu MY MUSIC GALLERY and click 'edit' next to your song. Scroll down to MUSIC & BRANDS, add your BRAND TAGS and don't forget to save your update.
Are you a performing artist? TheGigMap is the tool for you AND for all the venues and professionals you work with!
You have created a great song, but you know it can be better.. Upload your song and ask our GOLDEN EARS Pro Team supervised by Tycho Schipper to give you the necessary feedback or master engineer the music file. It's about you, your song, your sound ONLY WAY BETTER! Check out Golden Ears
For all of you participating in Kalydo's Music in Game Contest: Kalydo's Audio Team will announce the winner soon!
Braking News - This week Tribe of Noise will send out a press release announcing the Twinners Music TV pilot 2009. If you want to participate - your music in a TV pilot - go to Twinners Music TV pilot NOW!
Use the Tribe Invite Center to send invites to other musicians you like to connect with, venues you play, marketers and brand managers you think should listen to your songs. In short, invite all the people you like to work with in the future! Ask them to connect with you on Tribe of Noise. Please use this tool wisely and avoid SPAM.
I hope you like my top 5 list of Powerful Tribe Tools and if you have a great idea for a new Tribe Tool... please let us know!
Chief of Noise
Let's make some Noise!
A Free Service To Communicate Your Upcoming Gigs
In the meantime Tweet Me!
Sunday, August 23
Tribe Gigs Live
Check it out NOW!
Also available on your iPhone, Smartphone and Blackberry!
Amazing, huh? Oops.. sorry, forgot to mention our new app: TheGigMap ! Our FREE service for musicians and music venues to communicate their upcoming Gigs. Superstar or unknown local band, world famous concert hall or pub around the corner, performing yourself or helping out a friend. TheGigMap is YOURS!
If you have a gig people should know about: add it to TheGigMap!
The more people who know about your live gig, the bet ter! Right?! Well, only if these people actually turn up and pay of course. Use this free service to maximize your exposure! It's quick, it's easy and it's for free!
TheGigMap is a mashup of Google Maps, Twitter and the Tribe community giving people all the need-to-know information to call their friends, grab their coats and get moving.
Not a geek? Not a rocket scientist?
So? To add a gig you click 'add gig' and fill in the form as d etailed as possible. That's it!
Feed Me!
Add as many gigs as you want. Tell venues, promoters, managers, friends and family to use TheGigMap too. Promote your gigs and the Tribe.
On you find a 'share' button with services like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter or Email to spread the word.
Of course! We will launch more cool features to get the press talking about gigs, the Tribe and you! Your suggestions are welcome.
We wish you many gigs and packed venues!
Wednesday, August 5
Music Contest Turns into Battle
you can still participate and have your music featured in one of Kalydo’s most successful video games, Konstrukt Invasion!
And to make it even more exciting, you can now vote for the 1st Konstrukt Invasion Trailer Battle: THE BATTLE HAS BEGUN!
Check out: and VOTE! Try to influence the jury!
If you like the Battle feature, share it with your friends and spread the word. We'll promise to do more before the end of the Music in Game Contest!
If you did not send in your own composition yet and do wish to participate, no worries..
We are not closing until the very last day of August, but hurry up though, you do not want to miss this opportunity for mega exposure!
For more information about the Kalydo Music in Game Contest, visit:
Let’s make some noise!
Saturday, July 18
The Battle is on! One will lose!
Here is the first one, watch, listen and vote!
Or copy/paste Kalydo's Game Trailer Battle widget:
Tuesday, July 14
Happy birthday dear Tribe members!
The French revolution begins with the storming of the Bastille prison (
Alfred Nobel demonstrates his new invention, dynamite, for the first time
The American spacecraft Mariner 4 flies past Mars and takes photos of the Red planet.
July 14, 2008
Enlightenment in the music industry. Tribe of Noise opens their virtual doors (
In the first year you gave us loads of positive energy, prove that we could start a Tribe together. We met a lot of great creative minds with impressive ideas, heard and rated so many of beautiful songs, talked to industry professionals about how we can add value to you and a new music ecosystem and shook hands with heroes in the online (music) business.
With your enthusiasm, creativity and help we will continue to grow and improve our services. We will organize more live and online events, setup online contests (like, add cool features to help you connect with other Tribe members and generate as much exposure as possible to help you and your professional career.
Enjoy this great day and Let's make some more Noise!
Kindest regards,
Chief of Noise
Friday, July 3
We need to innovate the music industry NOW!
As you all know the music industry is in the middle of a paradigm shift. Which is very exciting!
The traditional music industry is looking for new revenue models, musicians themselves are becoming business people and all (Internet / mobile) technology out there is used to the max.. right?! uh.. WRONG!
The industry is still making 30 billion dollar a year, not interested hard enough to change. Musicians care about there music and fans more than becoming actively involved in innovating their revenue models. And many creative minds still think that having a profile page online will make them superstars within days.
This is a wake up call! Like any business, we have to innovate, explore new opportunities, adapt to new times and next generations.
With all your knowledge and expertise we can and need to innovate the music industry right here, RIGHT NOW!
I would like to kick off with some of our own ideas, please feel free to edit mine, share yours or write about other music innovations. One thing: this post is all about sharing knowledge and helping each other so comments like 'won't work, bad idea, etc' are only appreciated if you provide a better alternative.
- Hessel: “We learned big time from the open source community the last 10 years. Use open licensing models to share music and creativity: easy, transparent and legal. When we tell people about our Ready to Share music, we mean Ready to Share! No more scary copyright infringements means that promoting, using and distributing music is fun, powerful and easy again!” [Instead of using DRM or copyright Tribe of Noise uses a 'copyleft', Creative Commons license model]
- Hessel: “We facilitate a platform where musicians can connect directly with each other and industries still spending money (80-100 billion dollar a year) on music like advertisement agencies, game developers and broadcasters. We actively promote musicians but in the end musicians and companies should connect without us telling them to meet.” [Connect musicians with companies and facilitate the technology, legal framework and revenue models. Again using a transparent, open licensing model]
Friday, June 12
Musicians challenged by game industry
The development of video games is a labor intensive and creative process. Besides the technology and cool design game developers acknowledge the increasing role of music in games. But, in the real world, how many game developers join forces with composers and musicians to create the best game ever?
“Let's practice what we preach and use web 2.0 and online collaboration tools to make this work”, says Chris van der Linden, Creative Director at Kalydo.”By launching the Music in Game Contest we challenge musicians to send us their best music for one of our most successful games, Konstrukt Invasion.”
Winning the contest is a powerful introduction to the fast growing music industry. On top of all the exposure generated by Tribe of Noise and Kalydo media partners the winner will also be credited in the video game, Konstrukt Invasion.
“The first step to a successful music career starts with showing who you are and what you're capable of”, adds Hessel van Oorschot, co-founder of Tribe of Noise.”As a musician you can be the most talented person on this planet, if nobody knows about you nothing will happen.”
The Music in Game Contest, the successor of the One Billion Fans Contest organized earlier this year, offers musicians and companies an online community to connect and collaborate on commercial productions and campaigns. The next step in a creative and 2.0 world.
Friday, April 17
Monday, April 13
Tribe of Noise musician featured on Time Square, NY

As the winner of the One Billion Fans Contest - a Tribe of Noise initiative - Dereck Rose is featured on the World’s Largest Digital Billboard in Times Square, NY! His winning music can be found and shared 24/7 on the Tribe of Noise site.
Musician Dereck Rose Wins One Billion Fans Contest

Rose, a self-described “singer/songwriter and multi-instrumental musician” was born in Jamaica, moved with family to England where he was misunderstood and thus wrongly placed in a school for autistic children. A world citizen, he traveled throughout Europe, crossing into Israel, which he credits for his true musical inspiration.
One Billion Fans Judge, famed Arne Frager, owner of Plant Studios, host to many of the world’s greatest artists among them Prince, Fleetwood Mac and Aretha Franklin, said of Rose, “Excellent music and poetry, very versatile, a true Artist.”
The One Billion Fans Contest was an initiative of Tribe of Noise, the music sharing site which invokes Creative Commons to insure the legality. Mike Linksvayer, Vice President of Creative Commons Worldwide, said it is “innovative and forward thinking to allow the commercial use of music” and it can be done easily through the by-share alike license.
In keeping with the Tribe of Noise mission, artists were matched up with corporate sponsors. Rose’s Re/Max sponsor, Melissa Miller, lauded, “Dereck defines his sound as ‘True Homemade Music’ that caught our Real Estate eye and listening to his “Painted Boots” sealed the deal.” Re/Max In Motion promoted his music on their site, blogs, and shared his MP3s with their sphere of influence.
Another OBF judge, Gary Platt, co-founder of The Recording Workshop, Full Sail University, and Ex’pression College said, “Quality on Tribe of Noise is fantastic, I’m turning all my producers and people who need great music onto Tribe of Noise. Platt has worked with Bon Jovi, King Crimson, and McDonald’s.
As the winner, Dereck Rose will be featured on the World’s Largest Digital Billboard in Times Square, NY. His winning music can be found and shared 24/7 on the Tribe of Noise site.
ABOUT Tribe of Noise - the largest worldwide community connecting musicians & companies by sharing music legally & hassle free! All music on Tribe of Noise is uploaded by independent artists under a Creative Commons 3.0 By Share Alike license. To find out more about Tribe of Noise, go to
Winner of “One Billion Fans” contest announced
Mike Linksvayer, April 9th, 2009
Last fall we posted about the One Billion Fans contest run by the music website TribeOfNoise. Today the winner has been announced (pdf press release) — Dereck Rose, a Jamaican-born singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist.
Congratulations to Dereck Rose, the jury-selected winner, and the other top ten finalists (I can actually recommend the top vote getter, Bleeemo)!
Also congratulations to TribeOfNoise for pulling off the contest. To be completely blunt, the site looks more crassly promotional than many sites hosting music under CC licenses. However, just as bluntly, there’s a need for hard core promoters of freely licensed music (note that “hard core” modifies “promoters”) — judging by promotions for mass market music, that’s needed for mass market success, and there’s no reason freely licensed music shouldn’t compete in such arenas.
TribeOfNoise is also more innovative on the licensing front than most sites. All music on the site is available under CC Attribution-ShareAlike. Here’s an explanation sent last month from Hessel van Oorschot, the site’s “Chief of Noise”:
Artists like Moby, Nine Inch Nails and Radio Head made the first moves towards an alternative form of music distribution. A Dutch company called Tribe of Noise takes it one step further. At Tribe of Noise, composers upload their music under a Creative Commons license and allows companies to download, remix and commercially use the music FREE and 100% legal.
WHY DO MUSICIANS GIVE AWAY THEIR MUSIC FOR FREE TO COMPANIES?“While the traditional music industry is still in the repressive mode by introducing digital rights management and sending out the watch dogs, we rather think in solutions for like-minded spirits”, says Sandra Brandenburg, founder of Tribe of Noise. “It was not difficult to find thousands of independent artists worldwide who believe in sharing their music, and who actually encourage fans and professionals to freely distribute and build upon their work.”
“We take the Darwinist approach; adapt and you will survive. So instead of resisting change and become extinct you want to embrace change. People are going to share music, so give them something to share. Simultaneously the artist builds an inner circle of valuable contacts. Game developers ($50 billion industry), advertisement agencies ($750 billion industry) and others are more than willing to pay for music. Getting Exposure is the name of the game.”
Mike Linksvayer - jury member One Billion Fans
Mike Linksvayer - Describing Tribe of Noise and the One Billion Fans Contest.
Bio: Vice-president of Creative Commons, worldwide. Previously he co-founded Bitzi. He has over ten years' experience as an enterprise software, web, and multimedia developer and consultant.
Gary Platt - jury member One Billion Fans
Gary Platt - Describing Tribe of Noise and the One Billion Fans Contest.
Bio: Co-founder of Full Sail University, The Recording Workshop, and Ex'pression College for Digital Arts. Beyond his experience in education, Mr. Platt also possesses an extensive audio career having worked with major label artists ranging from King Crimson, Bootsy Collins, Bon Jovi, Prince, amongst many others.
Music in Games
Visit the Holland Pavillion (5422 NH) @ the Game Developers Conference (March 25-27) in San Francisco.
TRIBE OF NOISE, the preferred partner of gamedevelopers in need for great music, will give away 500 exclusive access codes to an online selection of FREE, READY TO SHARE GAME MUSIC!
See you at the Holland Pavilion (March 25-27)!
FD (Dutch Financial Times)
FD March 11, 2009
(Dutch Financial Times, Nationwide)
Article about how Tribe of Noise is offering a modern solution for companies in need for music. Instead of copyright infringements, royalty and sync hassles Tribe of Noise is offering a free, 24/7 accessible and 100% legal solution (Creative Commons licensed) for brand managers, game developers, advertisement agencies, video sharing communities, broadcasters, filmmakers etc. Worldwide!
Ready to Share Music and thousands of composers, songwriters and bands interested in connecting with companies. Join Tribe of Noise! It’s FREE of course.