Friday, June 20

Crumpy Kiss

Gene Simmons (Kiss) blames fans, P2P for killing music industry

I received this article from Tycho (thanks). Now if you wondered who’s to blame for decreased music (ie CD) sales the answer might surprise you:


Well at least according to Gene Simmons.

They have this excellent BBC program Crumpy Old Men. I think they should invite him for the next series.

But I’m afraid it will be artists like Radiohead who will stick his tongue out in the coming years.

Or our artist of the week Liquid! Check out his song with our COOL widget and feel free to share...

Let's make some Noise!

Wednesday, June 18

Choice is a difficult message.

At Tribe of Noise we’re struggling with the issue of communicating the multiple choices artists have when selecting a Creative Commons license instead of the traditional ©.

There are millions of people who do not care about the whole copyright thing and as a result YouTube flourishes.

But we want to be transparent from the start; it’s a matter of respect towards the musicians who make or have made the choice to publish their work via the traditional music licenses. We don’t want to infringe their rights. We don’t want to lure them in a CC license. We want creative minds to make a conscious choice.

All music at Tribe of Noise if uploaded under a CC by –share alike license. And by mentioning it’s a different option, all those who never seem to care are suddenly stirred. Bands who stuffed their websites with music are starting to smell the coffee when confronted with a choice. When you have more choices, the messages becomes more complicated.

Lazy as we are, I sometimes wonder if we really want to have choices. Choices equals problems. I had dinner in a great restaurant recently. Minimum choice on the menu and because of the limited supplies needed, the food was of the highest quality ingredients at a more then reasonable price. You get in this sit-back-and-surprise-me-mood. And you’ll never feel you made the wrong choice, cross eying at the plate across the table. If you don’t like what’s on your plate you can blame the Chef!

So choice = responsibility = problem

Wednesday, June 11

Mr. Virgin Media, is this a hoax?

For all who don’t know what we’re working on: Tribe of Noise is trying to connect musicians, fans and professionals who are looking for an alternative model for free and legal music sharing.

While we’re working to make music more accessible, more available and to connect with reality so we can create a win-win model for all. There are those who take the repressive approach.

Check out this breaking news that shocked me to bits.

From next week, Virgin Media will send letters to thousands of households where music is either being downloaded or illegally shared.

According to the Independent Their letters will be accompanied by a stern written warning from the BPI, which will threaten both disconnection and a court appearance for those who continue to download illegally.

I just can’t believe it! Virgin Media and the British Phonographic Industry want to create a 3 strikes and out rule.

Anybody ever read the Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes? Well I think Britain will be in need of a new prisoner colony to relief the overcrowded prisons if they really want to follow this path.

And how on earth are they going to check if the downloaded material is legal or not. Will they breach privacy even further by actually listening to what you have downloaded? How else would you like to differentiate between illegal downloaded material and material that is legally distributed by using creative commons licenses, like on our platform.

We’ve discussed it at length with our legal team and decided it must be a hoax. We just can’t believe that Virgin Media will so flagrantly temper with the privacy of it’s customers.

History of Tribe

Once upon a time there was this girl who loved her prince, her beautiful hometown Amsterdam and travelling the African continent. During one of their travels, she and her prince captured images of their safari with a magical machine. To compliment their images they looked for some (free&legal) passionate safari music they could download and edit.

They searched WorldWide and came up with nothing! It was either cartoonish stocked up music or they had to pay.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful to create a musical safe haven. Where the music is free to share without too much legal hassle. Where creative minds can compliment each other. where new audiences will be able to find you and where musicians can be introduced to potential career movers”, the girl whispered to her prince.

The prince was moved by this lovely idea and suggested it to his bard. The bard’s reaction was; “What’s in it for me? I have to feed my wife and twelve children!”

“Well”, the prince explained economically, “the music world is changing, the sales of magical silver disks are decreasing. You need specific assignments, performances and merchandise to be able to buy your wife a goose to cook for Christmas. If we create a domain with a good music search elves so people can find the music they like, a domain where you can meet new fans, a domain where I will invite the people with golden coins to interact with you, you might have a chance. And all you have to do is exhibit a couple of songs that represent you for free. I’m convinced you’ll have a better chance to succeed and make your dreams come true.”

“You’ll just have to be brave, the first steps to honour and fame are always the most difficult", the prince said. “Of course I can’t promises you fortune but I can offer you a better chance to fortune. And even if you’ll not become famous around the globe. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful gift if loads of people will crown you with laurels.”

“Hmm, just one or two songs then,” the bard replied.“One or two songs is all we’re asking,” the prince replied. “We’ll do the rest!”

So the prince and the girl went out into the world and found themselves a techno Samurai in Japan, a magic realistic artist in Philly, golden ears in Doetinchem, 2 legal masters and their apprentices in Haarlem and a wise man from the wild Wild West. Together they shaped their domain and they called the inhabitants: the Tribe of Noise. ...